Presentation of Data

The most important data used in the bird descriptions are the counts of breeding birds and of birds roosting in the middle of October and in January, along with Per Mølgaard’s flora lists from 1979.

Together with the species descriptions there are population development graphs for breeding birds, October birds and January birds, according to the presence of the various species at those times. The graphs for breeding birds show the numbers of pairs, and the graphs for October and January show the number of individuals. The breeding birds graphs include data from 1978-2002 and 2007-2014. The January graphs cover the period 1984-2004, and the October graphs cover 1984-2002. In the population graphs, where it is statistically reasonable (r2>0.3), there is a regression line which shows the trend. The X axis on all the graphs shows time from 1978-2014, which makes it easier to compare the different graphs.

There is also a map of the fjord showing where birds have bred. This is based on ‘Google Maps’, which enables you to zoom in and out, and shift between map and satellite photo. The breeding sites are marked with symbols showing the size of the colony in relation to the total population on the fjord. The ‘expression’ on the symbol (a smiley) shows whether the population at that site is increasing, declining or neither.

The following symbols are used:-

A happy smiley: a growing population – i.e. the median size of the population in the period from 1997-2014 is bigger than that in the period 1978-1996.

A sad smiley: a population in decline – i.e. the median size of the population in the period 1997-2014 is smaller than in the period 1978-1996.

A neutral smiley: a stable population – i.e. the population has not changed significantly from 1978 to 2014.

A dot: the population is so small that we cannot say there is either an increase or a decline.

The size of the symbols indicates:-

A large smiley: the median size of the population at this site is greater than 10% of that of the total fjord population in the period 1978-2014.

A medium smiley: the median size of the population at this site is between 5%-10% of that of the total fjord population of this species in the period 1978-2014.

A little smiley: the median size of the population at this site is between 2%-5% of that of the total fjord population of this species in the period 1978-2014.

A dot: the median size of the population at this site is less than 2% of the median size of the total fjord population of this species in the period 1978-2014.

On the maps showing plant distribution, plant populations are marked with large, medium or small dots:-

A large dot means it is a dominant species.

A medium-sized dot means it is a subdominant species.

A small dot means that the species has been found at this site.

The surveys do not enable us to evaluate the population development of plants.

For flora lists click here (PDF file)

For breeding-birds charts (islands) click here (XLS file)

For breeding-bird charts (whole fjord) click here (XLS file) or here (PDF file)

For January counts click here (XLS file) or here (PDF file)

For October counts click here (XLS file) or here (PDF file)