Dittander or Pepperweed

(Lepidium latifolium).

Dittander flowering on Elleore.

Dittander grows on Elleore. This is practically the only place on the fjord and in the surrounding area where it does grow, but here at least there are large areas of dense growth.

Peder Kylling found Dittander on Elleore in 1686.

In 1686 the botanist Peder Kylling surveyed the area, and at that time too Elleore was the only place where he found pepperweed, as he called it.

The roots of Dittander can take winter flooding.

So Dittander has survived in isolation on Elleore for over 300 years, probably much longer – a clear example of the stability of the flora on these almost untouched islets.