
(Clupea haringus).

Herring take second place, by weight, in both the northern and southern parts of the fjord. Herring fishing in the fjord is not very important. However, anglers catch a fair amount of herring in Lejre Vig. They are caught almost exclusively above the 30 metre deep hole south of Langholm, at a depth of 10 – 20 metres. They are very small but taste good. At the northern end of Lejre Vig there are spawning sites in the area out towards Ægholm. The herring in Roskilde Fjord are a local stock and spend their entire life in the fjord.

Late in the summer of 1994 a bottom turnover in Lejre Vig killed thousands of herring, to the delight of herring gulls and cormorants. Fortunately such events are extremely rare in Roskilde Fjord.